Wednesday 19 September 2007

The Va Dinci Cod-Not the film tie in version

This hilarious parody by A R R R Roberts writing as Don Brine is a must read for all Da Vinci Code lovers. This book is so small and can be read within an hour and it makes so much fun of Da vinci code that even though you are a fan of Da Vinci Code you cannot help having a good laugh. Danglon Anagrammologist, I hope the spelling is right, is called to help with a muder investigation in the National Gallery in London. While Dan Brown describes Paris, Brine makes a good description of London. There is Nudivue and Teabag who join Danglon in this adventure to unravel the greatest conspiracy against mankind. There is also a small twist in the end. This is definitely for all those who have heard about Da Vinci code whether they have read it or not, whether they liked it or not, you can read this book and have a good laugh.

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